My Story
Since childhood, I always loved cooking, and especially baking. When my parents gave me a toy cake oven for my birthday, I was in heaven. As my own seven children grew, I loved the artistic challenge of baking birthday cakes that looked like their favorite characters. Whether it was an alligator, or video character, I invested myself totally to learn how to engineer pastry creations. that were both delicious to the palate and matched the model.
As time went on, I took formal classes with reknowned pastry artists and "cake masters". Once I held out my product for sale, I was literally flooded by orders: weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, sweet sixteens, shabbats, holidays, brisses, etc. I had the unique honor of engineering a King Tut cake for the Chicago Field Museum and a violin cake (complete with sugar 'sheet music'!) honoring a performance by Joshua Bell at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Since 2000 I have delighted in the artistic challenge of making unique cakes for special occasions. I am thankful to God for gifting me this talent and now I would love to share what I know with you.